Thursday, March 24, 2011


ohh...such a long time i didn't write ya.....
through few months back...few month??? when was my last post?? ohhh...on January...ya now?? its MAC!!i missed the February post..owhh my..kik3

what was in my mind?? oh yaaa....faber max, inner shine, abs workout, lagenda budak setan, primrose oil, no dinner, no day sleep, ni ice...lalalalalala....dinner many need to be work....n plus with class, assignment, presentation...lalalalala....

but deep, deeper and deepest in my was something.....[just lets forget about the 'something'] =)

i am in beauty fixing....actually..inner beauty fixing processing...ha3..i don't know what was happen to my thought..too high awareness to has good inner beauty...ape ntah kan aku ni...banyak jugak yang aku spend untuk beli mende2 mcm tu tau...habis duit..kik3

but there was someone told me..put some little effort, then u will get excellent than other...hu3 then i am putting some effort to looks more interested, extraordinary...hahahaha..boleh ke?? boleh kot..

tibe2 pulak ade azam, mentang2 dah tinggal sebulan je dh nk habis study ni..i wanna looks great..fresh and ape tah keje yang aku keje nanti a bog boss ke?? or be kuli je?? then what will happen next?? kahwen? kahwen ke?? xde calon sesape yang ade calon2 yang free, good looks, interested, sweet, good job, frank n faith..kik3....meh la kenal2 kan kat aku yang tgah mencari calon menantu utk mak ayah aku ni..hahahaha

*tengah susun cerita, sambil minum nescafe ais...upppsss...bru tdi ckap no ice kan...kik3*ngeeee on tgah layan lagenda budak setan, book version...but more interesting than film version..the most i love in that books is KATERINA..the character..she is soo adorable, modern, sophisticated young lady..oh my....aku ke tu nti??? tp sunyi sbb single.....n kalo itulah aku nanti...sape pulak budak setan yang aku suka nti...hahahaha.......crazy thought sama ke jalan cerita novel tu dengan jalan cerita aku...

oh good not goat, be smart not semak, be wise not waste..wake up la wani...ape tah...

ohh...cite pasal kate ni...dalam novel tu, kate ade romeo die...nama Hisyam...n Shamsul...address them with same name....Syam @ Sham...oh my...dan cinta mereka break in the middle...just like me...n Kate was single...until he got Syah, Kasyah as her employee.....ape tu?? same x agak2 dgn cite aku nti.....hehehehe.....wait n see..biar je masa yang merawat segalanya kan..but as the time ticking....i was fell very lonely..

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